chapter 1


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wmp Windows Media Player 4.29MB 1.93MB EXE形式(4.32MB)
real RealOne Player 4.10MB 1.47MB EXE形式(4.13MB)
Hello, everybody. My name's Stephen. Nice to meet you.


マル1 Raise your hand.
マル2 Your turn.
マル3 Any volunteers?
マル4 Let's start.
マル5 Who is first?
マル6 Who is next?
マル7 Are you ready?
マル8 Repeat after me.
マル9 Stand up. / Sit down.
マル10 Let's sing a song together.
マル11 Let's make a circle.
マル12 Let's make groups of three.
マル13 Let's make a pair.
マル14 Time's up.
マル15 That's all for today.

マル1 Wonderful! Excellent! Good job.
マル2 Perfect.
マル3 Well-done.
マル4 Great.
マル5 Way to go.
マル6 Good try.

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マル1 Don't worry. (No problem.) You'll be all right.
マル2 Try again.
マル3 You can do it.
マル4 Keep trying.
マル5 Take it easy.
マル6 Don't give up.


マル1 Be quiet.
マル2 Listen to me.
マル3 Pay attention.
マル4 Look at me.
マル5 Take your seat.
マル6 Get back to your seat.
マル7 Stop talking.
マル8 Stop it.
マル9 Shush!

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